Radar for interactive notation system (any kind/number of instruments) (2020)

Radar is an interactive notation system constructed in the SuperCollider programming language. It allows a single user ‘the maestro’ to organise an ensemble of performers and to communicate information to the members by means of an interactive window projected on a surface visible to all.

Download the code from GitHub and the explanatory paper.

  • The ensemble is initially divided into groups; with each group represented as a disc sector (a ‘pizza slice’ corresponding to the region on the disc which is bounded by 2 radii). Any number of performers is feasible, but an ensemble of more than 20 will clutter the graphic-score making it difficult to read on the fly.
  • The homocentric circles usually define sound-event categories, which could be notes, tones, whole musical phrases, vamps, sound-objects, etc.
  • A black dot on the disc-surface denotes a sound-event to be played by the respective performer (or group of performers).
  • An arm spinning around the disc keeps all performers in sync. When the arm intersects with a dot, the respective performer(s) play a sound. If the ensemble is comprised of pitched acoustic instruments, a dot could be thought to correspond to a note from a particular scale as defined by the number of homocentric circles.
  • The ensemble can collectively decide on all aspects of the performing strategy beforehand. For example, a larger dot may denote a higher dynamic or an embellishment; a rotating grey wedge may be a cue for improvisation, etc.
  • Multiple spinning arms allow the maestro to create polyrhythmic structures. The faster an arm spins, the faster its tempo.

    23.9.2021 | Ultima Festival | Oslo | dress rehearsal at Sentralen.
    Here’s a link to the TRANSMISSIONS PROJECT

    29.4.2023 | Athens | National Opera House Foyer | performance with the “X-cultural orchestra” + members of the “hearing as an embodied experience lab”.

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